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Do you pride yourself on being the Grime Gestapo or do you save the scrubbing and picking up for the times when company’s on its way? For today’s woman who wants it all, that doesn’t always include a clean home. Some women are domestic divas who strive for perfection while others live in a world where ‘good enough’ is good enough. Here are 10 ways to test yourself on where you land on the cleaning scale.
1.The Clutter Conundrum
Dirt Dominator: A place for everything and everything in its place. No doubt the Dirt Dominator has no children, pets, husband, or a job.
Good Enougher: Before leaving the house, if you find yourself looking for your shoes in the living room, your coat on the back of the kitchen chair, and your keys in the pocket of yesterday’s jeans, you may be a Good Enougher.
Cable Show Candidate: If your keys have fallen down between the stack of last year’s newspapers and the box of old VHS tapes sitting in your dining room, there may be a TV crew at your door soon to shoot an episode of “Hoarders.”
2. Laundry, Take a Load Off
Dirt Dominator: Every shirt is ironed, towels are folded in thirds so you don’t see the edges, sheet sets are tied in ribbons stacked with perfection in the linen closet. Laundry’s not just a chore, it’s a mission!
Good Enougher: You find yourself taking advantage of the “fluff” function on the dryer. For every hour you don’t take the clothes out, it tumbles them another 10 minutes to fluff them up. The electric bill may be sky high but you’ll cut your ironing down and your clothes stay soft and warm for days.
Cable Show Candidate: Why wash them when you can buy new ones?
Linda Cobb, The Queen of Clean, and best-selling author of Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean, says “A great way to manage laundry stains is by clipping colored clothespins to each person’s hamper. When there’s a spot that needs attention, just have them clip it on so it gets sprayed on laundry day before becoming permanent.”
3. Dirty Dish Dilemma
Dirt Dominator: Use, Rinse, Load. Use, Rinse, Load. Sounds simple but only the Dirt Dominator can resist the temptation to just toss that coffee cup and spoon into the sink until later.
Good Enougher: You conserve your energy by only loading the dishwasher when there are no more clean coffee cups and spoons to be found.
Cable Show Candidate: If the pile of dishes peaks above the horizon of your countertop on a continual basis, you may have a problem.
Keeping the kitchen clean is important in order to minimize food-borne bacteria. If you’re looking for a natural alternative to chemicals, a vinegar and water solution will kill most mold, bacteria, and germs.4. Pet Patrol
Dirt Dominator: What pets?
Good Enougher: Isn’t it easier just to vacuum the loose hair off the cat than to try and keep up with the clumps of fur ground into the carpet?
Cable Show Candidate: There are so many tumbleweeds of fur floating around your home you could actually fashion a new dog out of them.
Cobb says “A great, easy way to remove pet hair from upholstery is to wear rubber cleaning gloves, dip them in water, shake them off, then wipe over the furniture.”
5. Attack of the Fridge
Dirt Dominator: The condiments are lined up by expiration date. All of your food storage containers are the same size and stacked neatly. And the crisper drawer is actually used for the fruits and vegetables.
Good Enougher: The fact that you can still fit the pizza box into the fridge means it’s not ready for cleaning.
Cable Show Candidate: You only focus on what’s visible up front. What’s in the back, you’d rather not know about.
In truth, you should clean out your fridge every two weeks. Cobb recommends “a mixture of equal parts of vinegar and water to wipe down shelves and the bottoms of containers.” And make sure to throw out leftovers by day four.
6. The Better Bedroom
Dirt Dominator: The bed is made every day. Decorative throw pillows are placed “just so”. A classic novel rests on the bedside table which has no trace of Alka Seltzer wrappers or used tissues.
Good Enougher: The bed is made on an as-needed basis. Meaning rarely-to-never. Because honestly, it’s just going to get messy again, right?
Cable Show Candidate: The bad news? Your bedroom’s a disaster. The good news? If you roll off your bed, there’s a soft pile of dirty clothes to land on.
The bedroom should be your personal oasis. Make it a ritual to pick up before you leave in the morning so that the mess is not glaring at you at bedtime making it difficult to relax.
7. The Bathroom
Dirt Dominator: The bathroom still resembles one found in a model home. It’s so perfect, you’re not even sure it’s a real bathroom.
Good Enougher: Clorox wipes are your new best friend! Do we really have to scrub anymore?
Cable Show Candidate: “Gross! I’m not going in there!”
“Keeping a microfiber cloth handy and wiping down the bathroom surfaces every morning is a great habit that will keep it looking fresh and clean” says Cobb.
8. The Dreaded Dusting
Dirt Dominator: You crouch down to see the table tops at eye level to make sure no speck rests on top.
Good Enougher: When you can write your name in it, it’s time to dust.
Cable Show Candidate: The dust bunnies are mapping out an escape plan.
Dusting weekly is important to keep allergens and germs at bay. Linda Cobb’s recipe for an all natural furniture polish is 1 cup of olive oil mixed with ¾ cup of white vinegar. Shake well and dab a little on a cloth. Rub it on, buff it off.
9. Take the Floors
Dirt Dominator: Just like mom used to, the Dirt Dominator gets down on all fours to scrub the floors with a brush. No nook or cranny is left unclean.
Good Enougher: Mopping is for company! Just stand on two wet rags and shuffle around the kitchen while you wait for your pizza to reheat.
Cable Show Candidate: Not to worry. The floors haven’t been visible for months.
The best way to keep up with the mopping is find that time when the house has the least amount of traffic each week and make that your “floor time”. Again, a vinegar and water solution works as well as most cleaners without the harsh chemicals.
10. Closet Cases
Dirt Dominator: Every shoe points north. Sweaters are folded and stacked according to season. And all of your dresses are cataloged so you know not to wear the same dress you wore to the company holiday party to dinner at your boss’s house a month later.
Good Enougher: A Mount Everest of shoes is beginning to form but don’t worry, you can still spot the red pumps in the pile.
Cable Show Candidate: You can no longer walk in your walk-in closet.
Closet cleaning usually takes longer than expected. So tackle the job in small sections. Remember to free yourself of anything you haven’t worn in over a year. If you’re not wearing it, you won’t miss it!
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